

Solid Growth in Passenger Demand Continued in October

Fuente: IATA Spanish Translation: Octubre volvió a registrar fuerte demanda de pasajeros aéreos (pdf) The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for October 2024 global passenger demand with the following highlights: Total demand, measured in revenue passenger kilometers (RPK), [...]

December 5th, 2024|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|

Price Forbes Joins ALTA

Source: ALTA The Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) is pleased to announce that Price Forbes, a Global insurance and reinsurance brokerage firm, has joined as a new member. The Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) [...]

December 4th, 2024|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Navigating the Skies of Accessibility

Source: ATR Celebrated every year on December 3rd, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an opportunity for us all to champion significant and necessary changes in our communities to advance the wellbeing of individuals of all abilities. As [...]

December 4th, 2024|MANUFACTURERS, News|

Five Years of Service Between Fukuoka and Hawaii

Source: Hawaiian Airlines Hawaiian Airlines recently celebrated its fifth anniversary of Fukuoka service with a special three-day event at Tenjin's Daimaru department store. In commemoration of the Fukuoka service and the airline's 95th anniversary, the carrier launched an exclusive line of cute [...]

December 4th, 2024|AIRLINES, News|







Spirit Airlines Received Court Confirmation of Reorganization Plan

Source: Spirit Airlines Broad Support from Supermajority of Spirit's Loyalty and Convertible Bondholders Expects to Emerge from Restructuring in the Coming Weeks Positioned for Success Spirit Airlines, Inc. ("Spirit" or the "Company") announced the Company's Plan of Reorganization ("the Plan") was confirmed by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the [...]