Aena Group airports recorded over 369.4 million passengers in 2024
Source: Aena In 2024, the number of passengers in Aena airports in Spain reached 309.3 million, 9.2% more than in the previous year Aena is already analysing, and in some cases, it has already set in motion, the necessary investments that will be included in Aena's proposal for the Airport Regulation Document DORA 2027-2031, the airport manager's investment programme, in order to ensure, as has been the case until now, that the infrastructures will be correctly sized for future demand The airports of the Aena Group (consisting of 46 airports and two heliports in Spain, London Luton Airport and 17 airports in Brazil) have closed 2024 with 369,444,029 passengers, 8.5% more than in 2023; they have handled 3,203,747 aircraft movements, [...]