Source: ACI-LAC
Airports Council International Latin America and the Caribbean welcomes Lima Cargo City as a new World Business Partner – WBP.
Lima Cargo City, owned by the real estate company Koricancha, was developed in Lima, Peru, as a business initiative of the Sandoval Group. It is currently the main logistics business center that provides all players in international air trade with strategic workspaces in the central area of the country’s first airport, with modern and secure infrastructure, making their operations more efficient.
At this moment, they are hospitality providers, offering the following services: Warehouses (Talma being their main client), administrative offices, coworking offices, commercial premises, and other complementary services.
“We are pleased to have Lima Cargo City as a new business partner of ACI-LAC. As successful logistics providers, we are sure that their knowledge and experience will benefit the development of economic activity in Peru and the region as a whole,” said Dr. Rafael Echevarne, Director General at ACI-LAC.
“From Lima Cargo City we salute ACI, and we are happy to participate as partners. We expect to remain active in all issues related to the airport community in the region, identify business opportunities, and establish excellent professional relationships. We also want to make our unique and innovative business model known in Peru and share our experience with the sector”, commented Edgardo Carbonel, General Manager of Lima Cargo City.
Lima Cargo City is an innovative and successful product. Being a real estate product, they were able to complement it with a solid capacity of logistics platform manager, achieving its consolidation in the 2nd year of starting operations, satisfying the needs and expectations of its customers, shareholders, workers, and the community.