Source: ALTA

  • São Paulo will host over 200 industry executives and 37 exhibitors seeking to strengthen safety in Latin America & Caribbean aviation industry

Safety is a key component of the aviation industry; it is the cornerstone of the operation and the main objective of this essential service: to carry millions of people and goods safely to their destination. To support advances in this area, the Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) created the ALTA Pan American Aviation Safety Summit, a meeting of experts from airlines, suppliers, organizations, civil aviation directorates, flight schools and airports which will celebrate, after a two-year pause due to the pandemic, its 11th edition.

This conference will take place on June 6-8 in São Paulo, Brazil, featuring an academic agenda designed to address the most pressing challenges in the current context. The meeting includes the annual in person ALTA Safety Committee meeting with the participation of 28 airlines, the presentation of 37 speakers with vast experience and recognized career, as well as the participation of the FAA Acting Administrator, Billy Nolen, and special messages from Juan Carlos Salazar, Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and from Ambassador C. B. “Sully” Sullenberger, US representative to ICAO, globally recognized for his emergency landing in New York’s frigid Hudson River during what has been called the “Miracle on the Hudson,” earning him second place on the list of TIME’s “100 Most Influential Heroes and Icons of 2009” and the French Legion of Honor.

The discussion will focus on the continued reinforcement of safety culture, data-learning, post-pandemic pilot mental and emotional health, as well as accident investigation, safety performance in the region, cybersecurity, technologies to improve safety and air traffic management, among other relevant topics related to safety within the aviation operation.

“For decades, the aviation industry has developed a strong track record of safety, resilience and passenger and crew protection that make aviation the safest means of transport today, being only safer getting on an elevator”, highlights José Ricardo Botelho, ALTA’s Executive Director & CEO. “The pandemic brought new safety challenges, especially in terms of training, restarting operations and regulations, to name a few, but the so-called ‘COVID agility’ also allowed us to leverage existing resources to meet them with alacrity. The growth of the industry in the region that we are about to experience will bring its own challenges, however, we have professionals, technologies and ideas ready to meet them. I am proud to resume the ALTA Pan American Aviation Safety Summit after two years featuring a top-level agenda that our Head of Safety organized impeccably, with speakers with outstanding career and technical knowledge who are committed to the valuable and tireless work of continuing to raise safety standards so that more people in more places may use the safest and most efficient means of transport,” Botelho adds.

Now is the time to examine the pace of change and prepare for the future challenges facing the aviation industry in Latin America and Caribbean.

“We prepared a high-level conference with a very complete agenda thanks to the participation of extremely experienced speakers. We feel honored to collaborate with various initiatives in the region to continue raising safety standards, such as the harmonization projects carried out by the States that make up the Regional Safety Oversight Cooperation System – SRVSOP (activity coordinated by the ICAO SAM office) and the comparison of the regulatory framework (activity coordinated by the ICAO NACC office). In Brazil, ALTA has been supporting a project carried out by the Civil Aviation Secretariat (SAC) to train operators of smaller aircraft in safety issues. Safety is and will always be the priority”, says Virginio Corrieri, Director of Operational Security of ALTA.

Aviation safety and operations professionals are responsible for the development of best practices and standards, in addition to procedures and guidelines to ensure the passenger, flight crew and ground operations’ safety. This is the basis behind the importance of this conference that promotes the exchange of information and best practices, as well as data and statistics, in order to identify the main operational risks in the region and seek measures to mitigate them, in addition to improve safety ratings in the region. To get further information on the ALTA Pan American Aviation Safety Summit agenda, click here: