Source: ACI-LAC
Centerline Airport Partners, a global company specializing in financing, investment, development, and management of airports, is now part of the Airports Council International – Latin America and Caribbean (ACI-LAC) World Business Partner network.
Centerline Airport Partners, based in Vancouver, Canada, and with affiliate and investor participation in the United States, Dubai, and Latin America has experience managing Public-Private Partnership (“3P”) contracts in multiple jurisdictions and working with challenging Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (“EPC”) projects including greenfield airports. Centerline Airport Partners also have deep roots in securing re-financing for airport projects, and delivering world-class service to multiple stakeholders with their industry-leading 5-star Skytrax vision combined with ACI-ASQ leading airports and results focused on excellence in customer experience.
Centerline Airport Partners is led by industry leaders Andrew O’Brian and Carlos Criado, who have decades of combined “C-Level” experience in the airport industry worldwide. They have participated in complex airport projects in several countries, including the USA at JFK International Airport, the greenfield Quito International Airport: the only Skytrax 5-star airport in the Americas region, AENA’s airports in Spain, Mexico’s Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (“GAP”) and AERODOM’s 6 airports in the Dominican Republic, among others.
Centerline Airport Partners is supported by active investor partners from the globally renowned AHC Group, Universal Weather and Aviation, and Skyways Technics.
Mr. O’Brian is currently an advisor to the Airport Council International (“ACI”) World Governing Board and is the immediate past chair of ACI in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Mr. Criado has held leadership roles at ACI-LAC, having served on various boards over the years. In these roles, he has developed airport industry best practices, standards and training opportunities for the industry that support elevating global standards and practices.
Dr. Rafael Echevarne, general director of ACI-LAC welcomed Centerline Airport Partners into the organization by stating, “Centerline Airport Partners is an important player in the development of airports in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as around the world. Their experience and vision will be a force for the development of new airport projects and the strengthening of our industry worldwide.”
Andrew O’Brian, president and CEO of Centerline Airport Partners, acknowledged the importance of the World Business Partner membership at ACI-LAC, saying, “At Centerline we know firsthand of the importance of industry organizations like ACI-LAC that bring together diverse airports and service providers to advance the interests of airports and the industry as a whole. Aviation is a driving force for the world’s continued development and post-pandemic recovery. At Centerline Airport Partners, we focus on improving the overall performance of existing airports through our active financial and operational participation and bringing brand new airport projects to life.”
Centerline Airport Partners provides unique and unparalleled access to a vast network of industry leaders, airport owners, investors, developers, executives, management teams, and multilateral and private equity finance firms to offer customized solutions for developing and managing airport projects around the world.