Source: Viva Aerobus
Viva Aerobus announced today its October 2023 preliminary traffic results. Viva Aerobus’ passenger traffic increased 24.7% compared to October 2022, reaching 2.3 million passengers, driven by an increase of 24.4% and 27.1% in domestic and international traffic, respectively. Load factors reached 89.3% compared to 85.0% in 2022, with a load factor mix of 90.1% and 85.2% in domestic and international, respectively.
Viva Aerobus grew its total capacity in available seat miles (ASMs) by 17.0% compared to October 2022, reflecting an increase of 17.5% and 14.8% in domestic and international, respectively.
“October traffic reached 2.3 million passengers, an increase of 24.7% compared to last year, reflecting a solid demand environment in domestic and international markets. Our load factor remained healthy at 89.3%, supporting our disciplined capacity deployment. We’ll remain focused and disciplined in our capacity approach while we work with P&W concerning the powder metal manufacturing issues impacting our fleet next year.” said Juan Carlos Zuazua, CEO of Viva Aerobus
Passengers: Customers who purchased their plane ticket to fly during the month referred in the report, regardless of whether they flew or not.
ASMs: Stands for “available seat miles” and represents the number of seats available for passengers multiplied by the number of miles.
Load Factor: Represents the number of miles flown by passenger (RPMs) divided by available seat miles (ASMs) and expressed as a percentage.
RPMs: Stands for “revenue passenger miles” and represents the number of miles flown by passengers.