Source: Volaris

Controladora Vuela Compañía de Aviación, S.A.B. de C.V. (NYSE: VLRS and BMV: VOLAR) (“Volaris” or “the Company”), the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) serving Mexico, the United States, Central, and South America, reports its November 2023 preliminary traffic results.

In November 2023, Volaris’ ASM capacity decreased by 2.2% year-over-year, while RPMs decreased by 0.2%; the result was a load factor increase of 1.8 pp YoY to 89.8%. Volaris transported 2.7 million passengers during the month, a 0.9% decrease compared to November 2022. Mexican domestic RPMs decreased by 7.9%, while international RPMs increased by 17.6%.

Enrique Beltranena, Volaris’ President and CEO said: “In response to reduced Pratt & Whitney (“P&W”) engine availability in November, we reduced domestic ASMs and redeployed capacity to the US market by capitalizing on Category 1 opportunities. This strategic approach successfully aligned with positive demand, consistent with our full-year expectations.

Looking forward, it is noteworthy that we have reached an agreement with P&W that contemplates compensation for each GTF engine removed from our fleet. The agreement will help address fixed costs associated with the engines during inspections, supplementing the mitigation initiatives outlined in our recent earnings call.”