Source: RAA
The Regional Airline Association (RAA) applauds the White House on the nomination of Bryan K. Bedford, CEO of Republic Airways as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator. RAA strongly supports this nomination and urges the Senate to swiftly confirm Bedford so he can begin to advance policies that ensure safety and reliability, while strengthening our national airspace system. RAA also thanks and commends Acting FAA Administrator Chris Rocheleau, who stepped up as Acting Administrator on January 29 and has provided strong leadership for the Agency during a particularly critical time.
“For more than two decades, I have been privileged to see firsthand the visionary leadership Bryan brought as CEO of Republic Airways, where he led the organization through decades of powerful growth and expansion with integrity, ingenuity, and a relentless focus on safety. He cultivated a safety culture that permeates every aspect of the airline, where people on the front lines of the airline are empowered, every day, to make the right choice for safety,” said RAA President & CEO Faye Malarkey Black. “As an RAA Board member, Bryan never shied away from doing the right thing, even when it meant following a more challenging path. Today, our aviation system is safe, but every aspect is straining and in need of deep repair. I can think of no better person than Bryan to take up the mantle of leadership at the FAA and set course for a stronger, safer tomorrow.”
Bedford is exceptionally well-suited for this role, bringing a deep understanding of aviation’s complexities. A thoughtful problem solver, he answers challenges by creating opportunities. In 2018, Bedford led Republic in launching the visionary LIFT Academy, the first airline-owned training academy. As the cutting-edge program began to equip pilots with the skills they need to succeed, LIFT added an aviation maintenance training program, including a technician apprenticeship program in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor. Financial support from the airline, including training subsidies and an innovative, “earn while you learn” model, make the program affordable for working-class families.
“Bryan is a leader driven by purpose, a collaborator and consensus builder, and he will make an exceptional public servant,” Malarkey Black said.” “His deep understanding of aviation’s complexities, extensive industry expertise, and unwavering dedication to aviation safety make him an outstanding choice to lead the FAA at this critical time. We look forward to Bryan’s leadership in shaping a safer, more resilient future for the aviation industry.”