FAA closely monitoring inspections of Boeing 737 MAX Airplanes

Source: FAA The FAA is closely monitoring targeted inspections of Boeing 737 MAX airplanes to look for a possible loose bolt in the rudder control system. Under consultation with the FAA, Boeing has issued a Multi-Operator Message (MOM), urging operators of newer single-aisle airplanes to inspect specific tie rods that control rudder movement for possible loose hardware. The FAA will remain in contact with Boeing and the airlines while the inspections are underway. The agency is asking the airlines to work through their approved Safety Management Systems to identify whether any loose hardware has been detected previously and to provide the agency with details on how quickly these two-hour inspections can be completed. The FAA will consider additional action based [...]

2023-12-28T19:10:40+02:00December 28th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Celebrating Latin America’s Aviation Achievements and Opportunities

Source: ICAO The President of the ICAO Council, Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano, and the ICAO Secretary General, Mr. Juan Carlos Salazar, recently conducted missions to Lima on the occasion of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC)'s VII Extraordinary Assembly, which coincided with LACAC's 50th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of Peru's hosting of ICAO's South American Regional Office. In their respective opening and closing remarks to the Assembly, the President and the Secretary General underscored LACAC's pivotal role in supporting cooperation among Latin American States and with ICAO. The continuous enhancement and development of air connectivity among Latin American States, positions them well to address the technological and ecological opportunities and challenges facing aviation today.  The collaboration between LACAC and ICAO's Regional Offices [...]

2023-12-28T19:11:58+02:00December 28th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Eve Air Mobility’s eVTOL Airworthiness Criteria Released for Public Consultation

Source: Embraer Eve Air Mobility (“Eve”) (NYSE: EVEX; EVEXW) announces the release of its proposed airworthiness criteria for public consultation. The National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC) has unveiled these criteria, representing a noteworthy milestone in the certification process and showcasing the considerable progress achieved in the development of Eve’s eVTOL aircraft. ANAC’s proposed airworthiness criteria are subject to public consultation until mid-February 2024. After this period, ANAC will analyze the feedback received, potentially incorporating changes into the criteria and subsequently unveiling the final certification basis. Upon the finalization of the criteria, Eve and ANAC will focus on the means of compliance to be considered for the eVTOL certification. As previously stated, ANAC is the primary certification authority for [...]

2023-12-21T19:33:54+02:00December 21st, 2023|MANUFACTURERS, News, ORGANISATIONS|

US Airlines gain $1.6 billion in third quarter 2023, a decrease over third quarter 2022

Source: US DOT U.S. airline financial reports are filed quarterly with the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). See the tables that accompany this release on the BTS website for additional third-quarter (Tables 1-6) financial results. 2Q 2023 Results for All 26 Scheduled U.S. Passenger Airlines U.S. scheduled passenger airlines reported a third-quarter 2023 after-tax net gain of $1.6 billion and a pre-tax operating gain of $3.3 billion. One year earlier, in the third quarter of 2022, the airlines reported an after-tax net gain of $2.4 billion and a pre-tax operating gain of $4.7 billion. After-tax net income · $1.6 billion gain in 3Q 2023 · Compared to $5.5 billion gain in 2Q 2023 · Compared to $2.4 billion gain in [...]

2023-12-21T19:29:59+02:00December 21st, 2023|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|

FAA Moves to Address Air Traffic Controller Fatigue

Source: US FAA Continuing its work to improve aviation safety, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) tasked a panel of fatigue experts to identify new ways to address air traffic controller fatigue. The three-member panel will examine how the latest science on sleep needs and fatigue considerations could be applied to controller work requirements and scheduling. The panel will identify potential ways the FAA could better address controller fatigue. As part of its work, it will review previous controller-fatigue research. The panel will begin its work in early January and provide a final report to the FAA about six weeks later. Mark Rosekind, a safety and sleep/fatigue professional and former National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) member, will chair the panel. Other [...]

2023-12-21T19:27:02+02:00December 21st, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

IFALPA Welcomes Céline Canu as New Managing Director

Source: IFALPA The Executive Board of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) is pleased to announce that Céline Canu has accepted the role of Managing Director. Beginning in January 2024, Céline will lead the activities of the Secretariat Staff from IFALPA’s Headquarters in Montreal, Canada. IFALPA President, Cpt Amornvaj “Ben” Mansumitchai expressed his support: “I am delighted to welcome Céline Canu as the Managing Director of IFALPA. Having known her for many years, I am certain that her experience within the global aviation community, together with her vision and exceptional people skills, will play a pivotal role in working collaboratively with both the executive board and staff to achieve the Federation’s goals. She is the right person [...]

2023-12-21T19:53:05+02:00December 21st, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

ACI-LAC announces the joining of two major airport operators in Brazil and expands its network to more than 50 airports in the country

Source: ACI-LAC The Airports Council International for Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) reports that CCR Aeroportos and Aena Brasil are the association's newest airport members in Brazil. With the accession of these important concessionaires, the ACI-LAC network in the country now includes 11 airport operators or groups and 57 airports. ACI-LAC's Director General, Rafael Echevarne, highlighted the importance of the arrival of the new members to the organization in Latin America and the Caribbean. "Aena and CCR operate some of the most important airports in Brazil, a key country for air transportation in our region. Both have airports of varying profiles in their portfolios - from the largest and busiest in Brazil to regional airports that we will see [...]

2023-12-20T18:50:27+02:00December 20th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

EASA/FAA task force defines alternative approach for authorising aviation software/hardware

Source: EASA The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have agreed on a set of criteria to allow the industry to accept alternate development assurance standards for software and airborne electronic hardware certification. This will open the door to innovation in aviation through the acceptance of design standards for software and hardware applied in other industries, such as the automotive sector. The novelty is outlined in a published paper and is the outcome of a joint EASA/FAA Task Force established in June 2019. The aim of the Task Force was to identify ways to develop means to assess available standards or publicly available methodologies without compromising the high safety standard of aviation, through the definition of [...]

2023-12-20T18:56:34+02:00December 20th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

TSA now accepts mobile IDs in Samsung Wallet on Samsung mobile devices, starting with Arizona

Source: TSA Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport among first 27 participating airports In collaboration with the State of Arizona and Samsung, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is now accepting, for limited testing and evaluation purposes, Arizona-issued mobile driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards in Samsung Wallet on Samsung mobile devices at select TSA airport security checkpoints. Passengers will be able to use this new feature at checkpoints for identity verification at 27 participating airports. "With the addition of Samsung, TSA now accepts, from participating states, mobile driver's licenses and ID cards in multiple digital Wallets on devices from multiple manufacturers," said TSA Administrator David Pekoske. "Our Samsung partnership spotlights our commitment to expanding options for eligible passengers to use mobile [...]

2023-12-20T18:52:36+02:00December 20th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

TSA PreCheck® program adds four new airlines

Source: TSA Eligible passengers can use TSA PreCheck lanes when traveling from the United States on more than 90 airlines The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced today the expansion of its TSA PreCheck® program with the addition of Norse Atlantic Airways, Lynx Air, Starlux Airlines and Fiji Airways. With these additions, there are now 94 domestic and international carriers participating in the TSA PreCheck program. TSA PreCheck is an expedited screening program enabling low-risk travelers to enjoy a secure and efficient screening experience at more than 200 U.S. airports. TSA PreCheck passengers travel with ease and may keep their shoes, belts and light jackets on and are not required to remove laptops, 3-1-1 liquids and food items from their carry-on [...]

2023-12-19T18:53:31+02:00December 19th, 2023|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|