Progress towards an ICAO Global Framework for cleaner energy in aviation
Source: ICAO ICAO has successfully concluded a round of consultations with States towards advancing an ICAO Global Framework for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), Lower Carbon Aviation Fuels (LCAF) and other Aviation Cleaner Energies for adoption at the upcoming Third Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF/3). Opening on 25 September 2023, the two-day consultation event, known as the Pre-CAAF/3 Outcomes Consultation, brought over 600 participants, delegations from 95 States and 19 International Organizations to ICAO Headquarters in Montreal, where they focused on potential outcomes of CAAF/3, which will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 20 to 24 November 2023. "ICAO’s highest priority is implementing the long-term global aspirational goal (LTAG) for international aviation of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, [...]