ACI-LAC welcomes W Premium Group as new WBP, strengthening airport hospitality excellence in Brazil

Source: ACI-LAC Airports Council International for Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) is proud to announce the addition of W Premium Group, the leading lounge operator in Brazil, as its newest World Business Partner. With an outstanding presence in Brazil and a strong track record in the airport hospitality industry, W Premium Group joins the ACI-LAC in its commitment to elevate the travel experience for passengers throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. W Premium Group, founded by airport hospitality experts with vast experience in Europe and Latin America, has revolutionized the way passengers experience waiting at airports. Its twelve W Premium Lounges, present in  nine airports in Brazil, offer an exclusive and elegant environment where travelers can enjoy comfort and [...]

2023-08-31T06:21:47+03:00August 31st, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

UK CAA: New report highlights accessibility issues with airline websites

Source: UK CAA New report commissioned by UK Civil Aviation Authority highlights accessibility issues with airline websites Report shows British Airways ranked as the best performing for web accessibility amongst the 11 largest airlines operating in the UK The report was published by the regulator to drive improvements in digital accessibility across the aviation sector, where passengers increasingly rely on websites and apps as their main point of access to the aviation market. The Airline Digital Accessibility Report, commissioned by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and undertaken by Hassell Inclusion, reviewed the websites of the 11 largest airlines operating in the UK, rating them in terms of their technical accessibility as well as their ease of use for making bookings. [...]

2023-08-31T07:18:17+03:00August 31st, 2023|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|

TSA prepares Labor Day weekend travelers for busy airports, based on summer travel trends

Source: TSA The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) expects to screen more than 14 million passengers during the Labor Day holiday weekend from Sept. 1, 2023 through Sept. 6, 2023. The busiest day is projected to be Sept. 1, 2023, when TSA expects to screen over 2.7 million travelers passing through security checkpoints. The agency has screened about 227.5 million passengers since Memorial Day weekend, an average of 2.5 million per day. Travel volumes during this summer travel period are higher than 2019 during the same summer travel period, marking the busiest summer travel period on record. "We anticipate this Labor Day holiday weekend will be busy, with passenger volumes nearly 11% higher than last year—volumes that already exceeded 2019 Labor [...]

2023-08-30T19:57:58+03:00August 30th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

TSA PreCheck® program adds four new airlines

Source: TSA Eligible passengers can use TSA PreCheck lanes when traveling from the United States on 90 airlines The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced today the expansion of its TSA PreCheck® expedited screening program with the addition of Cayman Airways, French bee, Titan Air and Zipair. With these additions, there are 90 TSA PreCheck participating domestic and international carriers. TSA PreCheck is an expedited screening program that enables low-risk travelers to enjoy a smart and efficient screening experience at more than 200 U.S. airports. TSA PreCheck passengers travel with ease and keep their shoes, belts and light jackets on and keep laptops, 3-1-1 liquids and food items in their bags. About 99% of TSA PreCheck passengers in dedicated lanes wait [...]

2023-08-29T19:49:18+03:00August 29th, 2023|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|

ALPA Files Unfair Labour Practice Complaint Against Jazz Aviation and Air Canada

Source: ALPA Pilot leaders of Jazz Aviation, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), filed an unfair labour practice complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB). The complaint states that management of both Air Canada and Jazz Aviation LP violated several sections of the Canada Labour Code by refusing to comply with contractual pilot “flow” agreements from Jazz to Air Canada. ALPA also alleges both parties have violated certain provisions of the capacity purchase agreement (CPA) between Jazz Aviation LP and Air Canada respecting Jazz’s exclusivity in the regional sector. “Jazz and Air Canada have increased system capacity at the expense of collective agreement violations,” said Capt. Claude Buraglia, chair of the Jazz chapter of ALPA. “We understand [...]

2023-08-29T20:05:24+03:00August 29th, 2023|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|

Passenger traffic at airports in Latin America and the Caribbean grew 6.3% over 2019.

Source: ACI-LAC Airports Council International for Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) presents passenger traffic data at the region’s airports in June 2023 and in the first half of the year (January to June) compared to 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase in passenger volume for June 2023 was 6.3%, while during the first half of the year, growth reached 4.1%. According to ACI-LAC data, Puerto Rico has the most favorable outcome proportionally. Puerto Rican airports recorded an increase in passengers of 31% in June and 29.4% in the first half of the year. Uruguay, on the other hand, had the least favorable results. In June 2023, there was a 14.6% decrease in passenger movements at the country’s airports, [...]

2023-08-28T19:40:58+03:00August 28th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

DOT Fines American Airlines $4.1 Million for Unlawfully Keeping Thousands of Passengers on the Tarmac for Hours

Source: US DOT Largest Fine Against a Carrier for Violating the Tarmac Delay Rule After DOT Investigation Uncovers Dozens of Violations The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) today fined American Airlines $4.1 million for violating federal statutes and the Department's rule prohibiting tarmac delays of three hours or more on domestic flights without providing passengers an opportunity to deplane. DOT's investigation found that American kept dozens of flights stuck on the tarmac for long periods of time without letting passengers off. DOT is ordering American to pay the largest fine ever issued for tarmac delay violations and cease and desist from violating the law. This fine is part of DOT's unprecedented effort to ensure the traveling public is protected, including [...]

2023-08-28T19:46:18+03:00August 28th, 2023|AIRLINES, News, ORGANISATIONS|

Harry Reid International Airport Canine Dina voted TSA’s Cutest Canine of 2023

Source: TSA 2023 TSA Cutest Canine Dina takes time out of her busy day to pose (Photo: Courtesy of TSA). Dina, a three-year old German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) explosives detection canine at Harry Reid International Airport (LAS), is the winner of the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) 2023 Cutest Canine Contest. Last week, TSA held a nationwide social media contest on Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook, where the public voted for the agency's "cutest canine" from among four agency finalists. TSA handlers from airports across the country initially nominated the dog candidates. TSA employees then voted and narrowed the original field of 92 contenders to the final four canines, all of whom deserve a round of a-paws. Dina will [...]

2023-08-28T19:44:05+03:00August 28th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

FAA Invests Another $121M to Reduce Chance of Close Calls at Airports

Source: US FAA The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded more than $121 million to airports across the country to reduce the risk of runway incursions. Projects will reconfigure taxiways that may cause confusion, install new lighting systems and provide more flexibility on the airfield. “The FAA is serious about ending runway incursions and we are putting substantial resources behind our efforts,” said Associate Administrator for Airports Shannetta Griffin, P.E. “In some cases the best way to address safety risks is modifying or reconfiguring existing airfields - these grants directly address those situations.” New projects announced today: Boston Logan International: $44.9 million to simplify airfield layout by removing part of Taxiway Q and F as identified in the airport’s runway incursion mitigation plan; rehabilitates Taxiway T, N [...]

2023-08-25T13:33:45+03:00August 25th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Envoy Pilots Reelect Union Leaders

Source: ALPA On Wednesday, August 23, the Envoy Master Executive Council (MEC) of the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) held an election for officers to lead the more than 2,000 Envoy pilots. The voting members of the Envoy MEC reelected by acclamation F/O Chase Freeman, chair; Capt. Michele Franciosa, vice chair; and Capt. Jonathan Miranda, secretary-treasurer, to serve the two-year term that begins September 8, 2023. F/O Chase Freeman Freeman was reelected as chair. Based in Chicago, he has been with Envoy since 2020. He previously served as F/O representative in Council 133 and Contract Compliance Committee chair. Capt. Michele Franciosa Franciosa was reelected as MEC vice chair. He previously served as a new-hire mentor and Council 126 secretary-treasurer. [...]

2023-08-24T21:01:32+03:00August 24th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|