NAV Portugal celebrates its 24th birthday

Source: NAV Portugal It has been the professionalism, competence and qualification of a team of men and women that has made possible to face the enormous challenges it has faced and will continue to do in the years to come. Along the way, it has overcome such storms as 9/11, global economic crisis, bird flu, rise in oil prices, COVID-19 pandemic, and, more recently, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the economic, political, and social repercussions of this war, evolution of which is still unpredictable. Nevertheless, it has been, as we say today, resilient. And as proof of this, because the future of a company is also built from its past, we could highlight some of the many milestones that have [...]

2023-01-20T16:54:40+02:00January 20th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Government of Canada to make an important announcement about commercial space launches in Canada

Source: Transport Canada The Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Annie Koutrakis, and Member of Parliament for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Westmount, the Honourable Marc Garneau, will make an important announcement regarding commercial space activity. The President of the Canadian Space Agency, Lisa Campbell, Canadian astronaut, David Saint-Jacques, CEO of Space Canada, Brian Gallant, and President and Chief Executive Officer of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, Mike Mueller, will participate. Member of Parliament for Longueuil-Charles-LeMoyne, Sherry Romanado, will be present.

2023-01-20T17:07:16+02:00January 20th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

ACI-LAC Webinar: “Introduction to airport slot management”/”Introducción a la gestión de franjas horarias en los aeropuertos”

Fuente: ACI-LAC (Scroll down for the Spanish version of this announcement) ACI-LAC invites all its members to the ACI-LAC and ACI World webinar on "Introduction to airport slot management". Airport slots are specific points in time allotted for an aircraft to land or take off at an airport. Where the demand for slots exceeds the available supply, the airport can be considered 'capacity-constrained', when a 'slot allocation' process is implemented. Such process management is essential to ensure efficient access to airports' infrastructure and resources. This webinar is an introductory session intended to provide a brief overview of the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG), which are jointly published by ACI, IATA and WWACG, to airport operators and civil aviation regulators. Date: Wednesday, January 25, [...]

2023-01-19T07:13:49+02:00January 19th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Boeing Awarded NASA Sustainable Flight Demonstrator Contract

Source: Boeing NASA, Boeing and partners aim to cut fuel use and emissions up to 30% in single-aisle airplanes Advances in sustainable technology are crucial to reaching civil aviation's goal to be net zero carbon emissions by 2050 NASA has selected Boeing and its industry team to lead the development and flight testing of a full-scale Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) demonstrator airplane. The technologies demonstrated and tested as part of the Sustainable Flight Demonstrator (SFD) program will inform future designs and could lead to breakthrough aerodynamics and fuel efficiency gains. When combined with expected advancements in propulsion systems, materials and systems architecture, a single-aisle airplane with a TTBW configuration could reduce fuel consumption and emissions up to 30% relative to [...]

2023-01-19T06:42:59+02:00January 19th, 2023|MANUFACTURERS, News, ORGANISATIONS|

New ICAO recommendations issued on COVID-19 risk assessment and mitigation for international air travel

Source: ICAO ICAO has issued reinforced recommendations for countries on risk management and the introduction of COVID-19 related national air travel requirements. Issued in a new ICAO bulletin from its Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation, or ‘CAPSCA’ programme, the guidance is designed to help countries maintain air connectivity while taking prudent and evidence-based measures to mitigate ongoing risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. “This new ICAO bulletin clearly emphasizes that as more States lift their COVID-19 related cross-border restrictions for air travellers, it is important for increased air travel connectivity and improved facilitation everywhere that pandemic related restrictions should only be introduced and maintained based on evidence-based risk management, and following World Health [...]

2023-01-19T06:58:36+02:00January 19th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

ALTA welcomes TAP Air Portugal

Source: ALTA The Latin American and Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA) is pleased to welcome TAP Air Portugal, Portugal leading airline, as an Associate Member. Founded in 1945, TAP is currently considered the fourth largest airline in Brazil, with 1.5 million passengers carried to and from the country in 2022. TAP carries millions of passengers to over 80 destinations worldwide and in addition to the 77 weekly flights on 13 unique routes the company offers between Portugal and Brazil, in South America and Caribbean, TAP also operates to Caracas and Cancun. Its network of routes, offers easy and fast connections at its hub in Lisbon, the airline has established itself as an excellent choice for connecting to Europe. "We are [...]

2023-01-18T16:50:32+02:00January 18th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

El Dorado cargo terminal prepares for Valentine’s Day season

Source: ACI-LAC The cargo terminal community at El Dorado International Airport is preparing for the first major flower export season for Valentine's Day, with Miami as the main destination for export flights. In that sense, Rafael Echevarne, General Director for ACI - Airports Council International in the regional office of Latin America and the Caribbean highlights the importance of the articulated work between the interested parties for the benefit of the air cargo movement, in this case the flowers that represent between 75% and 80% of the exports from El Dorado. "With the beginning of the high season of flower exports for the celebration of Valentine's Day, from ACI-LAC we urge the integral and collaborative work of all actors in [...]

2023-01-18T16:36:19+02:00January 18th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

Revised Industry Standards Reflected in 2023 Edition of IATA Manuals

Source: IATA The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that it has completed the annual revision of its air transport industry manuals for cargo, ground handling, and operations, thus incorporating the updates made to many of the underlying industry standards over the past year. These revisions reflect the sector’s commitment to further improving safety, introducing more sustainable operations, as well as enhancing the passenger experience and cargo handling. Examples of these changes include: Revised Dangerous Goods Regulations With more than 1.25 million dangerous goods shipments being flown by air on an annual basis, it is essential that the rules and regulations allowing for the safe transport of such substances and articles are revised to reflect safety and operational developments. One [...]

2023-01-18T16:38:37+02:00January 18th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

TSA highlights its top accomplishments of 2022

Source: TSA The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recognized a year of accomplishments and progress in 2022, setting a new record in firearm interceptions by Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) at checkpoints, making significant strides to improve transportation security and screening an average of more than two million passengers daily at airports across the country. TSA provided airport screening at or near pre-pandemic travel volumes despite multiple instances of challenging weather conditions; enhanced cybersecurity resilience of critical transportation infrastructure with performance-based security directives and continued to test and deploy new technologies that significantly improve security effectiveness, efficiency and the passenger experience throughout the transportation system. Additionally, TSA officers stopped more than 6,500 firearms at airport checkpoints. "I am incredibly proud of our dedicated TSA [...]

2023-01-18T16:46:10+02:00January 18th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|

ACI-NA Announces New Leadership Additions

Source: ACI-NA Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA), has announced new leaders to the ACI-NA Board of Directors, the U.S. Policy Council, the Canadian Policy Council, and the World Business Partners/Associates Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2023.  ACI-NA is the trade association representing commercial service airports in the United States and Canada. “For the last 75 years, ACI-NA has forged a solid reputation for success because of the volunteer leaders who contribute their time, talent, and energy to help lead us in times of change or challenge,” said Sam Samaddar, Airport Director for the Kelowna International Airport and Chair of the ACI-NA Board of Directors.  “I am confident these new leaders will carry on that tradition in this [...]

2023-01-16T16:40:03+02:00January 17th, 2023|News, ORGANISATIONS|