ALTA held important meetings in Chile to prepare its 12th Pan American Aviation Safety & Ops Summit that will take place next June in Santiago
Source: ALTA In the context of the upcoming 12th ALTA Pan American Aviation Safety & Ops Summit that will take place from June 12 to 14, 2023 in Santiago de Chile, Patricia de Andraca Sarabia, in charge of the International Aeronautical Relations Section of the Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics of Chile, the Director of Operational Safety of ALTA, Virginio Corrieri, have held meetings in the Chilean capital. The 12th version of the ALTA Pan American Aviation Safety & Ops Summit will be the first event in ALTA's 42-year history to be organised in Chile and from that association, its CEO Jose Ricardo Botelho, points out that "we feel honored by the full support of the Chilean aeronautical authority in [...]