IATA Announces EEU Procurement Event for Airlines
Source: IATA The event provides an important procurement opportunity amidst ongoing scarcity of CORSIA eligible EEUs At present, the State of Guyana is the only source of such EEUs The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced at its World Sustainability Symposium (WSS) that airlines will have the opportunity to buy Eligible Emissions Units (EEU) at a bespoke Procurement Event scheduled for the last quarter of 2024 on the Aviation Carbon Exchange (ACE). This event is being organized by IATA with the State of Guyana, Mercuria, and Xpansiv and is open to all airlines. The EEUs on offer will be useable by airlines in fulfilling their Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) Phase 1 offsetting obligations. These [...]