Source: ACI-LAC

Airports Council International Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) is pleased to announce that, as of January 2024, Filipe Pereira dos Reis will be joining our team as a senior consultant working on regional airport issues. He will also be ACI-LAC’s interlocutor with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and will be part of the association’s technical committees.

With more than 25 years’ experience in the civil aviation industry, Filipe has been based for the last decade in Miami, USA, where he held the position of regional director for airports, passengers, cargo and security in the Americas at IATA, coordinating modernization projects and security and facilitation improvements relating to the passenger experience and air cargo handling processes. He has also led airport expansion initiatives and liaised with regulatory bodies to collaborate with the airline industry on guidelines for charges, fees and taxes.

Filipe holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo.

Rafael Echevarne, director general of ACI-LAC, welcomed Filipe, highlighting his expertise in liaising between the various industry partners.

“We are pleased to announce that Filipe has joined the team and we are sure that he will be able to contribute to ACI-LAC members in the interface between airports, regulators, the rest of the sector and ICAO. Filipe will also have the special task of keeping us in contact with the partners and authorities of the airport industry in Brazil, a market with enormous potential and which is developing rapidly. We wish the new team member an excellent job.”

“I am grateful for ACI-LAC’s invitation to join the team and I come to the association ready to contribute my experience in regulatory and operational matters, airport concessions and tariff, tax and fuel issues. I am also willing to strengthen bridges between ACI-LAC members and government entities, airlines and other stakeholders in the commercial aviation and cargo sector, especially in the Brazilian market, where a path has already been paved over the last few years,” said Filipe Pereira dos Reis.